Bid & Pledge
Bid on an item or donate money to help our cause!
There is a new "overtime" bidding rule this year:
BID ONLINE or CALL (906)341-4701:
Please include your name, phone number, bid item, and amount of bid
All bid items are given a bid number; to help our bid operators please identify your bid item by this number.
All bid items will have a start time and end time. The start times are next to each bid item. All normal bidding will end at 4pm.
Bids placed in the final 5 minutes before an auction's end time will extend the auction end time by 10 minutes. This will repeat until the item receives no bids 5 minutes before the end time, or until one hour has passed after the auction's original end time, whichever comes first. e.g. auction #1 is scheduled to end at 4pm. It receives a bid at 3:57pm. Since that bid is in the final five minutes, the auction's new end time will be 4:10pm. This process keeps going until the auction has an end time of 5pm. All bidding would end at 5pm.
If you have computer or mobile access go to:
To pledge donations: CBC Payments
To place bids on items: CBC Auction
ALL PLEDGES CALL (906)341-9701:
Bids and pledges may also be made in person at Manistique High School Please pay for and pick up all bid items at the Manistique High School Office before 7 PM on CBC Sunday.
Cash, Check, or Credit Card accepted
The end date of all auction items is to be announced.
Click on the description of any item to see more details and a photograph.
All measurements are approximate. New items may be added any time!
Call (906)341-9701
Bids and pledges may also be made in person via check, credit, or debit card at Manistique High School
CBC of Schoolcraft County
PO Box 103
Manistique, MI 49854